Categoría: Desktop

Ubuntu 21.10 Wallpaper Competition

We are incredibly proud to announce the beginning of the Impish Indri wallpaper competition! (That’s the code name for Ubuntu 21.10) You can submit your artwork and read the rules over on the Ubuntu discourse. Every new release of Ubuntu comes pre-loaded with new background images that users can select ‘out of the box’. For […]

Flutter and Ubuntu so far

At Flutter Engage, Ken VanDine, engineering manager for the Ubuntu desktop,  made an appearance in the keynote speech to talk about Flutter on Ubuntu. Canonical has been working to support Flutter for some time now, bringing the SDK to Linux, committing to build a new Ubuntu installer, and now, making Flutter the default choice for […]

Snaps and themes – on the path to seamless desktop integration

Alongside performance, theming is one of the primary concerns for desktop snap users. People expect applications bundled inside snaps to look and behave just like their counterparts shipped and packaged in the traditional way in their Linux distributions, and any discrepancy in this space can lead to a degraded user experience. Over the years, we […]

Lenovo expand enterprise desktop range preinstalled with Ubuntu

Today, Lenovo announced the expansion of its Linux program to include selected ThinkPad and ThinkStation PCs preinstalled with Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS. Designed to be the daily drivers for developers across the globe, the ThinkPad and ThinkStation ranges, including the popular X1, can now be purchased globally, with Ubuntu preinstalled, removing any need for custom […]