Categoría: Storage

What is object storage?

Object storage is a type of storage where data is manipulated as distinct units. It has accompanied the cloud computing revolution, with S3 (Simple Storage Service) being the very first AWS service. The API for which later turned into the industry standard for the majority of object stores. Object stores have a very simplistic interface, […]

Zero-ops scaling Kubernetes storage with MicroK8s and OpenEBS Mayastor

This is a guest post, originally posted on Angelos Kolaitis‘ personal blog, reproduced here with his permission. Angelos is a MicroK8s software engineer at Canonical. How we brought a universal, cluster-wide storage solution to MicroK8s. Why is storage in Kubernetes hard? Kubernetes is well-known as an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling and management of containerised […]

Zero-ops scaling Kubernetes storage with MicroK8s and OpenEBS Mayastor

This is a guest post, originally posted on Angelos Kolaitis‘ personal blog, reproduced here with his permission. Angelos is a MicroK8s software engineer at Canonical. How we brought a universal, cluster-wide storage solution to MicroK8s. Why is storage in Kubernetes hard? Kubernetes is well-known as an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling and management of containerised […]

Cloud Adjacent Storage

What is cloud adjacent storage? Put simply, cloud adjacent storage is just a privately owned and operated storage system, within network reach of a cloud provider’s region, but without the pay-as-you-grow and access charges found in public clouds. Why is cloud adjacent storage a better choice than public cloud storage? Public clouds were created around […]