What is cloud native?

The term cloud native is widely used when thinking about computing and software development, encompassing a wide range of concepts that are regularly used in technology. Let’s break it down and take a closer look – what does cloud native really mean? What you need to know As a concept, cloud native is a set […]

How does Ubuntu 16.04 entering Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) affect snap publishers?

At the end of April, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS will reach the end of its five years of mainstream support and enter the Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) phase. If you’re a snap developer, and you have built or based your snaps on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) packages and libraries, you may want to know how this milestone […]

NFV orchestration: Network functions auditability with the open-source LMA stack

The transition to virtualized infrastructure and software network functions requires a re-evaluation in the telecom production environments. Network function is not alone. It has always been an important piece in the puzzle but requires a set of non-functional bits to complete the big picture and which brings the lifecycle management of network functions to the […]

Flutter and Ubuntu so far

At Flutter Engage, Ken VanDine, engineering manager for the Ubuntu desktop,  made an appearance in the keynote speech to talk about Flutter on Ubuntu. Canonical has been working to support Flutter for some time now, bringing the SDK to Linux, committing to build a new Ubuntu installer, and now, making Flutter the default choice for […]

Open source enterprise support vs free open source use

Many enterprises use open source enterprise support from a vendor, such as Red Hat or Canonical, to boost uptime and peace of mind. Others choose to use open source without any additional vendor support, relying on one of the major benefits of open source – the robust community support that is freely available. Oftentimes, those […]