Categoría: real-time Linux

Fast and reliable telco edge clouds with Intel FlexRAN and Real-time Ubuntu for 5G URLLC scenarios

Intel and Canonical have been collaborating to deliver advanced infrastructure that can run the networks of the future. More and more, we see edge cloud systems deployed closer to end users and systems to meet the ever-increasing demand for faster edge networks that can rapidly deliver business services and boost productivity. This requires highly efficient […]

Real-time Linux: a comprehensive guide

In the mission-critical workloads of modern enterprises, where time boundaries and determinism can make a major difference, the demand for real-time systems has never been more urgent. In our latest whitepaper, we delve into the realm of real-time Linux. The whitepaper is a comprehensive guide to understanding and unlocking the potential of real-time Linux to […]

How a real-time kernel reduces latency in telco edge clouds

Telco edge clouds are among the most popular and promising technologies with great potential to deliver performance improvements. An edge cloud is an infrastructure to run software located close to devices and end-users.  This type of local deployment brings several performance benefits, one of which is reduced latency. Edge computing services can offer timely response […]