Categoría: Ciencia

Deploying Kubernetes at the edge – Part I: building blocks

Edge computing continues to gain momentum to help solve unique challenges across telco, media, transportation, logistics, agricultural and other market segments. If you are new to edge computing architectures, of which there are several, the following diagram is a simple abstraction for emerging architectures: In this diagram you can see that an edge cloud sits […]

The post Deploying Kubernetes at the edge – Part I: building blocks appeared first on Ubuntu Blog.

MAAS 2.6 – ESXi storage, multiple gateways, HTTP boot and more

Canonical is happy to announce the availability of MAAS 2.6. This new release introduces a range of very exciting features and several improvements that enhances MAAS across various areas. Let’s talk about a few notable ones: Growing support for ESXi Datastores MAAS has expanded its support of ESXi by allowing administrators to create & configure […]

The post MAAS 2.6 – ESXi storage, multiple gateways, HTTP boot and more appeared first on Ubuntu Blog.


Mac用户可使用MicroK8s运行Kubernetes环境进而开发、测试应用。通过下面的步骤可轻松搭建此环境。 MicroK8s 是一个Ubuntu推出的一个本地的Kubernetes版本。它是一个轻量级的snap应用,可安装到PC上作为一个单节点集群使用。尽管MicroK8s仅针对Linux构建,但是也可以在Mac上启Ubuntu VM来实现。 MicroK8s Ubuntu上和任何支持snap的操作系统 的Kubernetes原生服务都运行在。这对于开发应用,创建简单的K8s集群和本地微服务开发非常有帮助,所有的开发工作最终都还是需要部署的。 MicroK8s提供另一个级别的可靠性因为它提供了与当前Kubernetes版本一致的开发环境。 在最新的上游K8s发布后的一周内,在Ubuntu上即可使用。(以下简称Kubernetes为K8s) 在Mac上配置Kubernetes K8s和MicroK8s都需要一个Linux内核来工作,因此2者都需要Ubuntu环境。Mac用户可使用Multipass,此工具被设计为方便用户在Mac、Windows、Linux上开启Ubuntu VM(虚拟)环境。 下面的教程将介绍在Mac上配置Multipass和运行K8s。 步骤1:使用Multipass为Mac安装一个VM 最新的Multipass的程序包可在Github上找到,双击.pkg即可安装。用MicroK8s来启动一个VM: multipass launch --name microk8s-vm --mem 4G --disk 40Gmultipass exec microk8s-vm -- sudo snap install microk8s --classic multipass exec microk8s-vm -- sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT 确保为主机保留足够的资源。上述命令表示我们创建了一个名字为microk8s-vm的VM,分配了4GB内存和40GB硬盘。 使用以下命令来查看VM分配的IP地址:(记一下下面的IP,我们将从此开始) multipass listName         State IPv4            Release microk8s-vm  RUNNING   Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 步骤2:在VM上与MicroK8s互动 […]

The post 如何在Mac上配置Kubernetes appeared first on Ubuntu Blog.

The DevOps guide to IoT projects

Traditional development methods do not scale into the IoT sphere. Strong inter-dependencies and blurred boundaries among components in the edge device stack result in fragmentation, slow updates, security issues, increased cost, and reduced reliability of platforms. This reality places a major strain on IoT players who need to contend with varying cycles and priorities in […]

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