Categoría: Cloud

CLI-only MAAS operation

MAAS provides a state-of-the-art User Interface (UI), which simplifies usage. But you may not know that MAAS also has a robust Command-line Interface (CLI), which actually provides more functionality than the UI.  Everything you can do from the UI, you can do from the CLI, but not the other way round. Let’s walk through MAAS […]

Distribute ROS 2 across machines with MicroK8s

Introduction Our simple ROS 2 talker and listener setup runs well on a single Kubernetes node, now let’s distribute it out across multiple computers. This article builds upon our simple ROS 2 talker / listener setup by running it on multiple K8s nodes. At the completion of this setup expect to have a ROS2 Kubernetes […]

Mark Shuttleworth on overcoming software complexity

While today we see an enormous amount of incredible software being published, both by tech giants and niche providers, there is a significant lag in the telco industry’s ability to leverage it.  The promise of a software-defined technology landscape is, of course, agility.  But what is the main factor preventing telecommunications enterprises from adopting open […]

Automating Server Provisioning in phoenixNap’s Bare Metal Cloud with MAAS (Metal-as-a-Service)

As part of the effort to build a flexible, cloud-native ready infrastructure, phoenixNAP collaborated with Canonical on enabling nearly instant OS installation. Canonical’s MAAS (Metal-as-a-Service) solution allows for automated OS installation on phoenixNAP’s Bare Metal Cloud, making it possible to set up a server in less than two minutes.   Bare Metal Cloud is a cloud-native […]